Type Alias: GgufFileInfo
type GgufFileInfo = {
version: 2 | 3 | number;
tensorCount: number | bigint;
metadata: GgufMetadata;
metadataSize: number;
architectureMetadata: MergeOptionalUnionTypes<Exclude<GgufMetadata[GgufArchitectureType], undefined>>;
tensorInfo: GgufTensorInfo[];
tensorInfoSize: number;
splicedParts: number;
totalTensorCount: number | bigint;
totalMetadataSize: number;
fullTensorInfo: GgufTensorInfo[];
totalTensorInfoSize: number;
Defined in: gguf/types/GgufFileInfoTypes.ts:13
Type declaration
readonly version: 2 | 3 | number;
readonly tensorCount: number | bigint;
readonly metadata: GgufMetadata;
readonly metadataSize: number;
readonly architectureMetadata: MergeOptionalUnionTypes<Exclude<GgufMetadata[GgufArchitectureType], undefined>>;
Same value as metadata[metadata.general.architecture]
, but with merged types for convenience
readonly optional tensorInfo: GgufTensorInfo[];
can be null if readTensorInfo
is set to false
readonly optional tensorInfoSize: number;
can be null if readTensorInfo
is set to false
readonly splicedParts: number;
For spliced metadata of multiple file parts, this will be the number of files parts read and spliced into this metadata.
Whe no splicing is done, this will be 1
readonly totalTensorCount: number | bigint;
For spliced metadata of multiple file parts, this will be the total tensor count from all the parts
When no splicing is done, this will be the same as tensorCount
readonly totalMetadataSize: number;
For spliced metadata of multiple file parts, this will be the total metadata size from all the parts
When no splicing is done, this will be the same as metadataSize
readonly optional fullTensorInfo: GgufTensorInfo[];
For spliced metadata of multiple file parts, this will be the spliced tensorInfo from all the parts. Can be null if readTensorInfo
is set to false
When no splicing is done, this will be the same as tensorInfo
readonly optional totalTensorInfoSize: number;
For spliced metadata of multiple file parts, this will be the total tensor info size from all the parts
When no splicing is done, this will be the same as tensorInfoSize