Type Alias: BatchingOptions
type BatchingOptions = {
dispatchSchedule: | "nextCycle"
| CustomBatchingDispatchSchedule;
itemPrioritizationStrategy: | "maximumParallelism"
| "firstInFirstOut"
| CustomBatchingPrioritizationStrategy;
Defined in: evaluator/LlamaContext/types.ts:222
Type declaration
optional dispatchSchedule:
| "nextCycle"
| CustomBatchingDispatchSchedule;
The strategy used to dispatch items to be processed when there are items pending to be processed.
- dispatch the items on the next event loop cycle. You can provide a custom function to define a custom dispatch schedule.
Defaults to "nextCycle"
optional itemPrioritizationStrategy:
| "maximumParallelism"
| "firstInFirstOut"
| CustomBatchingPrioritizationStrategy;
The strategy used to prioritize pending items to be processed.
- process as many different sequences in parallel as possible."firstInFirstOut"
- process items in the order they were added.- Custom prioritization function - a custom function that prioritizes the items to be processed. See the CustomBatchingPrioritizationStrategy type for more information.
Defaults to "maximumParallelism"