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inspect gguf command

Inspect a GGUF file


npx --no node-llama-cpp inspect gguf [modelPath]



Option Description
-m [string], --modelPath [string], --model [string], --path [string], --url [string], --uri [string] The path or URI of the GGUF file to inspect. If a URI is provided, the metadata will be read from the remote file without downloading the entire file. (string) (required)


Option Description
-H [string], --header [string] Headers to use when reading a model file from a URL, in the format key: value. You can pass this option multiple times to add multiple headers. (string[])
-s, --noSplice When split files are detected, it reads the metadata of the first file and splices the tensorInfo from all the parts. Use this flag to disable that behavior and read only the given file (default: false) (boolean)
-t, --fullTensorInfo Show the full tensor info (default: false) (boolean)
--fullMetadataArrays, --ma Print the full arrays in the metadata. Caution: those arrays can be extremely large and cover the entire terminal screen. Use with caution. (default: false) (boolean)
--plainJson Print the output as plain JSON with no formatting. Useful for piping the output to other commands. The output won't truncate any values, so it may be extremely large. Use with caution. (default: false) (boolean)
--outputToJsonFile [string] Path to a file to write the output to as JSON. The output won't truncate any values. The output won't be printed to the console (string)


Option Description
-h, --help Show help
-v, --version Show version number